Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tuesday Reflection for Week 3

On Tuesday, Ryan said that modernity has created the "heresy of secular space"--because everything is God's. Nothing exists apart from Him. This has caused the church to retreat to the margins of society, thinking that it only has the power to influence "spiritual" things and nothing else. This secular-sacred divide has really caused a lot of problems in trying to do ministry, because people's lives are compartmentalized as they see Christianity as something they do only on a Sunday. For the college students that I minister to, this would also include Wednesdays and Fridays, but the concept is the same. How do I get them to realize that Christianity is more than just a religion--something that we do--but it is who we are? This is a 24/7, 365, until-Jesus-comes-back kind of thing. And according to the talk on practices, if practices are able to transform us and actually make us who we are, then basically if we change or transform our practices we should be be able to transform our lives. Simple, no? But how do you get someone to change their practices and adopt new ones--the right ones i.e. the practices of Jesus--when they are fine with the status quo? The ways in which we live should be appealing to those outside the Church (the Body of Christ), but if we look, act, think, and talk like everyone else, what does that say about our witness? What does that say about Christianity? What does that say about Jesus?


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